Friday 9 December 2016

Learn the Benefits of Recessed Bleachers

Many school gyms have recessed bleachers because they offer a large number of benefits. Learn what they are in this post.

At Carroll Seating Company, we can provide you with recessed gym bleachers and many other bleacher options. To learn more about recessed school bleachers or our other options, take a moment to contact us today.



Thursday 1 December 2016

Choosing the Best School Lab Tables

STEAM is gaining speed in the world of education today. The goal is to give students the knowledge needed in those areas to guide student learning. For many school districts though it means a big hurdle, the need for stronger science labs on campus, and often that includes the demand for better school lab tables.

Plastic laminate school lab tables have long been the go-to for school labs, but are they the right choice for yours? Keep reading to find out.
